Letra de Up de A.r. Kane
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Letra de UP de A.R. KANE.
( A.R. Kane )
forward ever ascending on a stairway to heaven
me and the children and mama make seven
my senses take over as we start to float
higher and higher on a huge starbound boat
forward ever ascending, our head in the clouds
I watch as the dolphins tear off all their shrouds
your head is a halo, it catches the light
as I enter the gates what a glorious sight
over and over and over and over, over and over and over we go
over and over and over and over
higher and higher and higher and higher
higher and higher on a big black starliner
me and the children and mama make seven
my senses take over as we start to float
higher and higher on a huge starbound boat
forward ever ascending, our head in the clouds
I watch as the dolphins tear off all their shrouds
your head is a halo, it catches the light
as I enter the gates what a glorious sight
over and over and over and over, over and over and over we go
over and over and over and over
higher and higher and higher and higher
higher and higher on a big black starliner
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