Letra de In a circle de A.r. Kane
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Letra de IN A CIRCLE de A.R. KANE.
( A.R. Kane )
In A Circle
What else can i do?
Under hand and over my head
It might be good for you
To me it´s poison and i won´t last long
You´re not wrong
It last long then goes on and on
But we´re not like that!
Dressed in tears, happy tears
We can smile awhile
Until we wake up!
What else can i do?
Under hand and over my head
It might be good for you
To me it´s poison and i won´t last long
You´re not wrong
It last long then goes on and on
But we´re not like that!
Dressed in tears, happy tears
We can smile awhile
Until we wake up!
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