Letra de Into the blue de A.r. Kane
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Letra de INTO THE BLUE de A.R. KANE.
( A.R. Kane )
Into The Blue
I see and I hear
I realize
there is nothing to fear
something so new
I arrive out of the darkness
into the blue
I know and I understand
seen face to face
and hand to hand
something so strange
into the blue
what can I say
after all is said and done
I ought to go away
we´ve had our fun
I see and I hear
I realize
there is nothing to fear
something so new
I arrive out of the darkness
into the blue
I know and I understand
seen face to face
and hand to hand
something so strange
into the blue
what can I say
after all is said and done
I ought to go away
we´ve had our fun
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