Letra de Lavender de 50 Foot Wave
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Letra de LAVENDER de 50 FOOT WAVE.
( 50 Foot Wave )
Lavender lips on a full, sore mouth
where's the parade i asked his sleepy face
But my lazy little shadow stayed asleep in bed
climbed another tree, an altogether different tree
And you stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
I watched the muddy eddies swirl
i swing and swing and watch the water clean
If my wishes were whores then beggars would ride
with billy bandy knees i watch the water clean
And he stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
Hell's bells i wouldn't leave you
my my i wouldn't leave you behind
When's the parade i asked his weepy face
it's when we're walking side by side my friend
And you stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
where's the parade i asked his sleepy face
But my lazy little shadow stayed asleep in bed
climbed another tree, an altogether different tree
And you stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
I watched the muddy eddies swirl
i swing and swing and watch the water clean
If my wishes were whores then beggars would ride
with billy bandy knees i watch the water clean
And he stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
Hell's bells i wouldn't leave you
my my i wouldn't leave you behind
When's the parade i asked his weepy face
it's when we're walking side by side my friend
And you stayed so close beside me
purring like a pussy
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