Letra de Dog days de 50 Foot Wave
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Letra de DOG DAYS de 50 FOOT WAVE.
( 50 Foot Wave )
Rats scatter after waves on the dirty beach
you're seriously losing me
a shiny object caught my eye, of course
these dog days always leave me with a stomach ache
these dog days always leave me with a stomach ache
One dip in the well and i'm done-in
coffee and vitamins
breakfast of champions
don't touch me i don't know where you?ve been
don't touch me i don't know where you?ve been
Simultaneously attracted and repelled
if you don't know by now, i'll never tell
i wake up a ton of un-kissed guilt
just keep telling me this is life and we didn't miss it
just keep telling me this is life and we didn't miss it
you're seriously losing me
a shiny object caught my eye, of course
these dog days always leave me with a stomach ache
these dog days always leave me with a stomach ache
One dip in the well and i'm done-in
coffee and vitamins
breakfast of champions
don't touch me i don't know where you?ve been
don't touch me i don't know where you?ve been
Simultaneously attracted and repelled
if you don't know by now, i'll never tell
i wake up a ton of un-kissed guilt
just keep telling me this is life and we didn't miss it
just keep telling me this is life and we didn't miss it
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