Letra de Bug de 50 Foot Wave
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Letra de BUG de 50 FOOT WAVE.
( 50 Foot Wave )
C'mon on, c'mon on play the goddamn music
i know we fell apart a while ago
and no, not everyone's all right
walking bare-assed down the hallway
is hard enough at night
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
and hey, didn't you say something's missing?
You have a stone cold picture of a girlfriend
and a celibate wife
you are in no shape to argue
but you're ready for a fight
C'mon on, c'mon on wake me up, i'm sleeping
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
hey, didn't you say something's missing?
What you want's not what you need
it haunts you night and day
i'll see you on the light side
of the darkeness we are so scared of
i'll do the math for you
i keep it back for you
but what you chase at night
will haunt you in the day, you want it to
C'mon on, c'mon on play the wounded hero
i'm hoping i'll grow sleepy and dim
one more somnambulistic year
riding tethered to a hero
and rescuing him
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
hey, didn't you say something's missing?
i know we fell apart a while ago
and no, not everyone's all right
walking bare-assed down the hallway
is hard enough at night
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
and hey, didn't you say something's missing?
You have a stone cold picture of a girlfriend
and a celibate wife
you are in no shape to argue
but you're ready for a fight
C'mon on, c'mon on wake me up, i'm sleeping
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
hey, didn't you say something's missing?
What you want's not what you need
it haunts you night and day
i'll see you on the light side
of the darkeness we are so scared of
i'll do the math for you
i keep it back for you
but what you chase at night
will haunt you in the day, you want it to
C'mon on, c'mon on play the wounded hero
i'm hoping i'll grow sleepy and dim
one more somnambulistic year
riding tethered to a hero
and rescuing him
And you, don't you wanna do nothing?
hey, didn't you say something's missing?
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