Letra de Step on it de Slapshot
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( Slapshot )
When we're on the road we can't be stopped
we're gonna go until we drop
only twohundred miles to go
step on it we can't be slow
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
Third stop now we are right on time
wake up hank we're of the line
twelve hours gone we can't be late
twelve hours more to another state
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
we're gonna go until we drop
only twohundred miles to go
step on it we can't be slow
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
Third stop now we are right on time
wake up hank we're of the line
twelve hours gone we can't be late
twelve hours more to another state
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
Step on it
step on it
step on it
step on it
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