Letra de Stuck here again de L7
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Letra de STUCK HERE AGAIN de L7.
( L7 )
I'm good at feeling bad
i'm even better at feeling worse
some would say life is a charm
i'm convinced it is a curse
Yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
i've learned to make
bad situations my friend
it starts all over
just when it should end
yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
Here comes that familiar pain again
i'm low down, i'm feeling ill
yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
is there someone i could kill
i'm even better at feeling worse
some would say life is a charm
i'm convinced it is a curse
Yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
i've learned to make
bad situations my friend
it starts all over
just when it should end
yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
Here comes that familiar pain again
i'm low down, i'm feeling ill
yeah yeah i'm stuck here again
is there someone i could kill
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