Letra de Cool out de L7
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Letra de COOL OUT de L7.
( L7 )
Are you gonna join?
are you the half that's gonna swallow the gun?
exactly where do you stand
you seem to have trouble being human
You've got a habit of starting a fight
you wanna punch out somebody's light
messing with other people's lives
what makes you think
that you've got that right
Cool out
yeah what's your problem?
cool out
Cool out
yeah you're a psycho
just cool out
Cool out
are you the half that's gonna swallow the gun?
exactly where do you stand
you seem to have trouble being human
You've got a habit of starting a fight
you wanna punch out somebody's light
messing with other people's lives
what makes you think
that you've got that right
Cool out
yeah what's your problem?
cool out
Cool out
yeah you're a psycho
just cool out
Cool out
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