Letra de Talk box de L7
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Letra de TALK BOX de L7.
( L7 )
Last night i had a dream
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And everyone was around
and you were on the ground
and everyone was around
Dying, you were dying
Last night i had a dream
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And you were all alone you were all alone
you were by a phone
but you were all alone
Last night i had a dream
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And your friends were there
and all your friends were there
in your underwear
and all your friends were there
and you were dying
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And everyone was around
and you were on the ground
and everyone was around
Dying, you were dying
Last night i had a dream
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And you were all alone you were all alone
you were by a phone
but you were all alone
Last night i had a dream
it scared the shit out of me
'cause you were dying
yeah you were dying
And your friends were there
and all your friends were there
in your underwear
and all your friends were there
and you were dying
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