Letra de Laurie strange things happen de Dickey Lee
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( Dickey Lee )
Laurie (Strange Things Happen)Dickey LeeLast night at the dance I met LaurieSo lovely and warmAn angle of a girlLast night I fell in love with LaurieStrange things happen in this worldAs I walked her home she said it was her birthdayI pulled her close and saidWill I see you anymoreAnd suddenly she asked for my sweaterAnd said that she was very very coldI kissed her goodnight at her door and started homeThen thought about my sweaterAnd went right back and saidI knocked at her doorAnd a man appearedI told him why i'd comeAnd he saidYou're wrong sonYou weren't with my daughterHow can you be so cruelTo come to me this wayMy daughter left this world on her birthdayShe died a year ago todayA strage force drew me to the graveyardI stood in the coldI saw the shadows gleamAnd then I saw my sweaterLying there upon her graveStrange things happen in this world
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