Letra de Not fair de Arachnes
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( Arachnes )
Slow time,
A slow time, full of deceit;
Empty space, for your days and for your nights.
But you, friend,
You read the words in the world,
And your big heart draws wings in our sky.
It´s not fair,
Take your things and fly, now,
Over the stupid silence
Of the moderate people.
Then, you
Run inside the fear of the dark,
And inside the ancestral fear of the life.
A slow time, full of deceit;
Empty space, for your days and for your nights.
But you, friend,
You read the words in the world,
And your big heart draws wings in our sky.
It´s not fair,
Take your things and fly, now,
Over the stupid silence
Of the moderate people.
Then, you
Run inside the fear of the dark,
And inside the ancestral fear of the life.
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