Letra de Shut the door de Arachnes
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( Arachnes )
Shut the door,
shut your suitcase and come along,
we can't carry on like this.
money, money,
(eh) i don't care about it,
i want to live to be old;
to fly in the sky over the town,
i would kill myself rather than give in.
So, with my music i can be free,
and i'd give anything to be free;
so with my madness i can believe,
and i'd give anithing to believe.
Nothing ever
happens in this quiet land,
and my work is very foolish.
money, money,
(eh) i don't care about it,
i want to live to be old;
to fly in the sky over the town,
i would kill myself rather than give in.
So, with my music i can be free, and i'd give anything to be free;
so with my madness i can believe,
and i'd give anithing to believe.
shut your suitcase and come along,
we can't carry on like this.
money, money,
(eh) i don't care about it,
i want to live to be old;
to fly in the sky over the town,
i would kill myself rather than give in.
So, with my music i can be free,
and i'd give anything to be free;
so with my madness i can believe,
and i'd give anithing to believe.
Nothing ever
happens in this quiet land,
and my work is very foolish.
money, money,
(eh) i don't care about it,
i want to live to be old;
to fly in the sky over the town,
i would kill myself rather than give in.
So, with my music i can be free, and i'd give anything to be free;
so with my madness i can believe,
and i'd give anithing to believe.
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