Letra de That day de Agresión
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Letra de THAT DAY de AGRESIóN.
( Agresión )
Who would go to where i grew up
Who would care to know my last name
Who would judge my written past when i am gone
When i am gone
I'm dizzy, i'm weak but with blood enough to notice
My finger prints in red over the curtains
My only link with pain is breakin' slowly
I think i'm falling asleep, i'm loosing conscience
I haven't bled for so long, i could just stop it
But i'm so tired it's a casier to go
I think i'm not too far, i could just go back
But everything is dark, the music is fading
And i, i just left, left my senses away somewhere
And i just left, no one noticed that day
No one cared
Who would keep my favorite records, who would read
My secret letters
De maracay.....
My wounds don't even hurt
I see no longer light
I hear the music end
Who would care to know my last name
Who would judge my written past when i am gone
When i am gone
I'm dizzy, i'm weak but with blood enough to notice
My finger prints in red over the curtains
My only link with pain is breakin' slowly
I think i'm falling asleep, i'm loosing conscience
I haven't bled for so long, i could just stop it
But i'm so tired it's a casier to go
I think i'm not too far, i could just go back
But everything is dark, the music is fading
And i, i just left, left my senses away somewhere
And i just left, no one noticed that day
No one cared
Who would keep my favorite records, who would read
My secret letters
De maracay.....
My wounds don't even hurt
I see no longer light
I hear the music end
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