Letra de No doubt de 702
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Letra de NO DOUBT de 702.
( 702 )
We gotta get down
To what it's all about
And i want you
And thats no doubt
I can tell you notice me
Only because i notice you
Walked through the crowd to get your name
And to give you my tune
We dont have to talk about
All the things weve been through
Just as long as you respect me
Get to the point dont mess around
Lets talk about how feel now
I just wanna know if we could take this thing that we feel
To a level where love is real
Take it slow so we can last
Look to the future forget the past!
Chorus runs until fadaway
We gotta get down
To what it's all about
And i want you
And thats no doubt
I can tell you notice me
Only because i notice you
Walked through the crowd to get your name
And to give you my tune
We dont have to talk about
All the things weve been through
Just as long as you respect me
Get to the point dont mess around
Lets talk about how feel now
I just wanna know if we could take this thing that we feel
To a level where love is real
Take it slow so we can last
Look to the future forget the past!
Chorus runs until fadaway
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