Letra de All i want de 702
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Letra de ALL I WANT de 702.
( 702 )
All i want
Is someone i can talk to
Someone who will listen
To what i have to say
All i need
Is some special attention
Someone who will mention
The special things of me
I'm not the kind of girl
Who don't know what she want
I see it in my mind
The kind of man to treat me right
When i'm weak he'll be strong
He'll keep me going on
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my #1
Special in every way
Takes time on busy days
To satisfy my needs
Says things to comfort me
(it's not much to ask for the things i want)
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my number one!
All that i'm
Lookin for
Has got to have
To be mature
Oh! everything
You do and say
Touch my heart
In a special way!
Is someone i can talk to
Someone who will listen
To what i have to say
All i need
Is some special attention
Someone who will mention
The special things of me
I'm not the kind of girl
Who don't know what she want
I see it in my mind
The kind of man to treat me right
When i'm weak he'll be strong
He'll keep me going on
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my #1
Special in every way
Takes time on busy days
To satisfy my needs
Says things to comfort me
(it's not much to ask for the things i want)
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my number one!
All that i'm
Lookin for
Has got to have
To be mature
Oh! everything
You do and say
Touch my heart
In a special way!
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