Letra de Someone like you de Ub40
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Letra de SOMEONE LIKE YOU de UB40.
( UB40 )
There must be some place we can go
there must be someone that you know
where can i go, and who you know worries me,
oh lord
where can i find someone like you, to love
where can i find someone like you, my love
there must be something we can try
there must be some things we can find
what can i try, and how to get by worries me,
oh lord
where can i find someone like you, to love
where can i find someone like you, oh my love
there must be someone that you know
where can i go, and who you know worries me,
oh lord
where can i find someone like you, to love
where can i find someone like you, my love
there must be something we can try
there must be some things we can find
what can i try, and how to get by worries me,
oh lord
where can i find someone like you, to love
where can i find someone like you, oh my love
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