Letra de 1956 de The Great Wilderness
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Letra de 1956 de THE GREAT WILDERNESS.
( The Great Wilderness )
When the angel of death gives birth to a child
the sky will be grey, the moon will be bright
days and weeks trying to save your children
taking control, protecting the wounded.
These are the final pages in this book
the things that you borrow, the treasures you just took
repent on your knees and you might escape from famine
deal or no deal, burning the liars.
the sky will be grey, the moon will be bright
days and weeks trying to save your children
taking control, protecting the wounded.
These are the final pages in this book
the things that you borrow, the treasures you just took
repent on your knees and you might escape from famine
deal or no deal, burning the liars.
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