Letra de Slipknot! de The Grateful Dead
Busca letras de canciones, artistas y radios de diferentes paises y ciudades.
( The Grateful Dead )
Beautiful lie
you can pray
you can pay
till you're buried alive
blackmailer blues
everyone in the room
owns a part of the noose
slipknot gig
slipknot gig
slipknot gig
did someone say
help on the way
well, i know
yeah, i do
that there's help on the way
you can pray
you can pay
till you're buried alive
blackmailer blues
everyone in the room
owns a part of the noose
slipknot gig
slipknot gig
slipknot gig
did someone say
help on the way
well, i know
yeah, i do
that there's help on the way
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