Letra de Herculean de The Good, The Bad And The Queen
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( The Good, The Bad And The Queen )
Standing by the old canal
By the gas works
Celebrate the ghosts
Flow by
When all love hurts
And the medicine man is here twenty four seven
You can get it fast armageddon
Everyone is on there way to the heaven
The call for pray
Is common around here
In the morning
We wash our faces and go to work
Tyhere is no warning
That it all gets better when life is straight
It,s bigger than you and the welfare state
And we will keep singing it,s not to late
For you
By the gas works
Celebrate the ghosts
Flow by
When all love hurts
And the medicine man is here twenty four seven
You can get it fast armageddon
Everyone is on there way to the heaven
The call for pray
Is common around here
In the morning
We wash our faces and go to work
Tyhere is no warning
That it all gets better when life is straight
It,s bigger than you and the welfare state
And we will keep singing it,s not to late
For you
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