Letra de Moonstruck de Sinphonia
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( Sinphonia )
The moon emits magic enegies
The night knows my mind
I walk into the night´s scary jungle
With hidden strange creatures
But when the moon shines through
Take care of your soul
Strange moods fighting for the power in my mind
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
I change form - an invard animal treaten forward
I feel the lust for life and blood
The night and the hunt flood my mind
I am bound by the power of the moon
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
The night knows my mind
I walk into the night´s scary jungle
With hidden strange creatures
But when the moon shines through
Take care of your soul
Strange moods fighting for the power in my mind
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
I change form - an invard animal treaten forward
I feel the lust for life and blood
The night and the hunt flood my mind
I am bound by the power of the moon
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
Oh moon - you old magicain
Without you my life would be empty
You give me strength in life
Oh moon - you and I have known each other for many years
But it´s far from all I understahnd
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