Letra de Derangement de Scream Silence
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( Scream Silence )
Crawl through sweetest dreams
As it be so softly juicy green
Look at clouds be blinded by the light
And yearn for past nights
Praise my own lost grief
Don´t try to forget and don´t to flee
Build my own different perfect world
Cause real lies can feel fine
Blinded by your fragrance
I feel force to follow this derangement
Taste your quiet rapes then
You can steal my hunger for salvation
May I go to sleep ?
Tell me to forget how shall I flee
Look at clouds be blinded by the light
Cause real lies can feel fine
As it be so softly juicy green
Look at clouds be blinded by the light
And yearn for past nights
Praise my own lost grief
Don´t try to forget and don´t to flee
Build my own different perfect world
Cause real lies can feel fine
Blinded by your fragrance
I feel force to follow this derangement
Taste your quiet rapes then
You can steal my hunger for salvation
May I go to sleep ?
Tell me to forget how shall I flee
Look at clouds be blinded by the light
Cause real lies can feel fine
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