Letra de We want you de S.t.u.n.
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Letra de WE WANT YOU de S.T.U.N..
( S.T.U.N. )
I'm tired of the same failed story
all these promises of change
i do not feel glory
seeing people that have it worse off in chains
This time we want you
we're abnormal you're outnumbered
The bible is just a story
i read while the witch was getting hanged
i hope i'm not too boring
when i speak what it is i really think
This time we want you
we're abnormal you're outnumbered
all these promises of change
i do not feel glory
seeing people that have it worse off in chains
This time we want you
we're abnormal you're outnumbered
The bible is just a story
i read while the witch was getting hanged
i hope i'm not too boring
when i speak what it is i really think
This time we want you
we're abnormal you're outnumbered
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