Letra de This is the end de S.n.f.u
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Letra de THIS IS THE END de S.N.F.U.
( S.N.F.U )
It's not a job, it's an adventure
Smell the burning flesh up on the hillside
This is the end!
You're in the asshole of this earth
Now you know what you're really worth
To them, you're just another rifle
Better keep and eye around the bend
Cos this is the end!
1 - 2 - S.N.F.U.
This is the end!
This is the end!
This is the end!
This is the end!
Smell the burning flesh up on the hillside
This is the end!
You're in the asshole of this earth
Now you know what you're really worth
To them, you're just another rifle
Better keep and eye around the bend
Cos this is the end!
1 - 2 - S.N.F.U.
This is the end!
This is the end!
This is the end!
This is the end!
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