Letra de This is a goodbye de S.n.f.u
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Letra de THIS IS A GOODBYE de S.N.F.U.
( S.N.F.U )
There are times when I have fallen
To say I haven't would be lying
Some they fall, but never get up
They give in without even trying
You'd be surprised at the ones that slip
Deep into the dark abyss
Never to be seen again
This is a goodbye (to them)
Step into the dark abyss
It's like falling into a bottomless pit
No one stops to hear you hit
The silence can be deafening
You'd be surprised...
To say I haven't would be lying
Some they fall, but never get up
They give in without even trying
You'd be surprised at the ones that slip
Deep into the dark abyss
Never to be seen again
This is a goodbye (to them)
Step into the dark abyss
It's like falling into a bottomless pit
No one stops to hear you hit
The silence can be deafening
You'd be surprised...
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