Letra de The watering hole de S.n.f.u
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( S.N.F.U )
Whenever he gets to feeling low
He stumbles down to the watering hole
He wets his face with a brew
He feels refreshed, he gets real loose
I said help!
Help me fillet my soul
I hope I don't drown
At the watering hole
His friends and him, they gather 'round
Making sure that one of them don't drown
That's not to say that the water never gets
Over their heads at the watering hole
I said help!...
When they get to being old
They'll still visit that watering hole
It will always be there, the locale may change
The effects of it's contents will always be the same
I said help!...
I feel small
I feel so goddamn small
He stumbles down to the watering hole
He wets his face with a brew
He feels refreshed, he gets real loose
I said help!
Help me fillet my soul
I hope I don't drown
At the watering hole
His friends and him, they gather 'round
Making sure that one of them don't drown
That's not to say that the water never gets
Over their heads at the watering hole
I said help!...
When they get to being old
They'll still visit that watering hole
It will always be there, the locale may change
The effects of it's contents will always be the same
I said help!...
I feel small
I feel so goddamn small
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