Letra de Strangely strange de S.n.f.u
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( S.N.F.U )
I'm feeling strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
I hope I get better soon
I'm looking like the creature from the black lagoon
I feel strange
I'm in an unstately state
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
My skin is turning green
Reminiscent of a jelly bean
Nothing like you've ever seen
Not even in your worst dreams
I feel strange...
But now I feel okay
Much better than yesterday
When all I wanted was to die
Now I'm happier than a shit covered fly
Much better than yesterday...
There rarely is a day
Where I don't feel strangely strange
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
But now I feel okay...
I'm in an unstately state
I hope I get better soon
I'm looking like the creature from the black lagoon
I feel strange
I'm in an unstately state
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
My skin is turning green
Reminiscent of a jelly bean
Nothing like you've ever seen
Not even in your worst dreams
I feel strange...
But now I feel okay
Much better than yesterday
When all I wanted was to die
Now I'm happier than a shit covered fly
Much better than yesterday...
There rarely is a day
Where I don't feel strangely strange
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
But now I feel okay...
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