Letra de Someday de Guy
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Letra de SOMEDAY de GUY.
( Guy )
i got something to tell everybody out there
sometimes you may feel like life have you in bondage
you don't know which way to turn
and you just feel like deep down inside
god, you have to help me
but take it from me, someday
it may not be your day or the day that you want it to happen
but someday we'll all be free
i got a message to tell y'all
i want y'all to listen to me
listen very, very carefully
cuz it's a short story, with a big message
someday, someday we'll all be free
Even though right now you may be going through
somehow you wear a smile
rainy days don't wash away the pain inside
no, you can't hide
lift your hands to the sky
in our life we all need some relief
we all need peace to fulfill our destiny
i don't know what tomorrow may bring
but all i know is someday we'll all be free
Someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
Repeat above with ad libs until fade
i got something to tell everybody out there
sometimes you may feel like life have you in bondage
you don't know which way to turn
and you just feel like deep down inside
god, you have to help me
but take it from me, someday
it may not be your day or the day that you want it to happen
but someday we'll all be free
i got a message to tell y'all
i want y'all to listen to me
listen very, very carefully
cuz it's a short story, with a big message
someday, someday we'll all be free
Even though right now you may be going through
somehow you wear a smile
rainy days don't wash away the pain inside
no, you can't hide
lift your hands to the sky
in our life we all need some relief
we all need peace to fulfill our destiny
i don't know what tomorrow may bring
but all i know is someday we'll all be free
Someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
someday we'll all be free
Repeat above with ad libs until fade
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