Letra de Things i should have said de Grass Roots
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( Grass Roots )
Things i should have saidthe grass roots(p.f. sloan - steve barri) i didn't cry i just stood and watched her say goodbye she closed the do-or and said "i don't want to see you anymore" things i should have said to her that maybe would have changed her mind to stay things i should have said to her like "girl, i love you so let love find a way" was it that she just couldn't understand a man like me was i to blame did i leave too many things unexplained? things i should have said to her that maybe would have changed her mind to stay things i should have said to her like "girl, i love you so let love find a way why didn't i try telling her she was all i had why didn't i try telling her now she's gone and i feel oh so bad i didn't cry i just stood and watched her say goodbye she closed the do-or and said "i don't want to see you anymore" things i should have said to her [repeat to fade]
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