Letra de Holiday de Fireworks
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( Fireworks )
My Friend Detroit can´t seem to keep up
Tell me about it man, neither can I
But I still avoid sleeping in the summertime
While you cut ties longer than I-75
In this basement, A steady climate
You´re the variable
The wind isn´t bringing anything in
That isn´t sun behind that shade
Only rain on your own parade
I´d bring over aspiring clergy
If I was allowed in your home
So you could explain what it´s like
To spend the rest of your life alone
The big difference between you and me
Is understanding the word "alive"
It´s more than deep breaths and blinking eyes
We may struggle...but at least we try
The wind isn´t bringing anything in
Tell me about it man, neither can I
But I still avoid sleeping in the summertime
While you cut ties longer than I-75
In this basement, A steady climate
You´re the variable
The wind isn´t bringing anything in
That isn´t sun behind that shade
Only rain on your own parade
I´d bring over aspiring clergy
If I was allowed in your home
So you could explain what it´s like
To spend the rest of your life alone
The big difference between you and me
Is understanding the word "alive"
It´s more than deep breaths and blinking eyes
We may struggle...but at least we try
The wind isn´t bringing anything in
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