Letra de The twilight de Barathrum
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( Barathrum )
The howls and the barks and the growls
of the wolf
the howls and the barks and the growls
of the wolfs
The might and the dark and it's safe
the herd of the wolves gathers
beasts of the might and the dark
the age of the fenriz come to pass
The age of the wolf
the twilight of the wolf
The twilight of the wolf
and it's herd
the twilight of the wolf
and it's age
the twilight of the wolf
the twilight of the wolf
of the wolf
the howls and the barks and the growls
of the wolfs
The might and the dark and it's safe
the herd of the wolves gathers
beasts of the might and the dark
the age of the fenriz come to pass
The age of the wolf
the twilight of the wolf
The twilight of the wolf
and it's herd
the twilight of the wolf
and it's age
the twilight of the wolf
the twilight of the wolf
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