Letra de Me for real de Arthur Russell
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( Arthur Russell )
To me
I can and I do
Do what I want
When I want to
Now I want to
To me
I made it up to you
What I said to you
Is not true
Now it is true
In my heart beating
Beating far
Into the far, far future
In the mud that´s on the tire
On that sunny morning
What a day before
Riding bikes is so intense
The foreign word
That says
Me for real
Its me
Still on my bike
Love is turning
Do it again
It´s you that I like
Do you you say it´s not true
Do what i want
When I want to
Now I want to
In my heart beating
Beating far
Into the far, far future
Me for real
Me for real
I can and I do
Do what I want
When I want to
Now I want to
To me
I made it up to you
What I said to you
Is not true
Now it is true
In my heart beating
Beating far
Into the far, far future
In the mud that´s on the tire
On that sunny morning
What a day before
Riding bikes is so intense
The foreign word
That says
Me for real
Its me
Still on my bike
Love is turning
Do it again
It´s you that I like
Do you you say it´s not true
Do what i want
When I want to
Now I want to
In my heart beating
Beating far
Into the far, far future
Me for real
Me for real
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