Letra de Nada es lo que parece ser (en ingles) de Andrea Guasch
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( Andrea Guasch )
You know it is going easy
be live
that any means
does not justify the end
and that all
problems you
can leave
ho if ...
watch out
believe special
by 10 without a draw
having to consider
or if you sort
fourth with
and much more ...
nothing is what it seems
to be
if it wishes
you can get
can be in a mess,
do whatever you want to do
because nothing is what
seems to be
nothing is what it seems
to be
if you´re so easy
what they want
Keep the reality
at fair level
because nothing is what
appears to be
nothing is what it seems
to be
if you´re so easy
what they want
m, antenna reality
at fair level
because nothing is what
you think ...
it is not!
be live
that any means
does not justify the end
and that all
problems you
can leave
ho if ...
watch out
believe special
by 10 without a draw
having to consider
or if you sort
fourth with
and much more ...
nothing is what it seems
to be
if it wishes
you can get
can be in a mess,
do whatever you want to do
because nothing is what
seems to be
nothing is what it seems
to be
if you´re so easy
what they want
Keep the reality
at fair level
because nothing is what
appears to be
nothing is what it seems
to be
if you´re so easy
what they want
m, antenna reality
at fair level
because nothing is what
you think ...
it is not!
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