Letra de Fatfire de Abscess
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( Abscess )
Burning Bright on the Hill Crematorial Torch
Acrid Smoke fills the air
Foundation Black and Scortched Obesity Catastrophe
She has Unplanned Revenge
Bubbling Fat blocks the Way Cellulite Kindling
Walls are coated with Burning Blubber
Napalm of the Flesh Structural Skeleton crisp and charred
A Shell of Black is left
Acrid Smoke fills the air
Foundation Black and Scortched Obesity Catastrophe
She has Unplanned Revenge
Bubbling Fat blocks the Way Cellulite Kindling
Walls are coated with Burning Blubber
Napalm of the Flesh Structural Skeleton crisp and charred
A Shell of Black is left
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