Letra de Mud de Abscess
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Letra de MUD de ABSCESS.
( Abscess )
Putrid Sludge (Mud)
Blacked Crud (Mud)
Think and Rank (Mud)
Smelly Gank (Mud)
Earthy Pus (Mud)
Human Rust (Mud)
Fills Your Head (Mud)
When your Dead (Mud)
Back Broken, Skull split open
Brains exposed to the sunshine
Paralyzed open your eyes
Can´t believe your heart is still beating
Went to War, forgot what for
Now your bodies burned and broken
You had to go, the big hero
Never thought you would die so poorly
Blacked Crud (Mud)
Think and Rank (Mud)
Smelly Gank (Mud)
Earthy Pus (Mud)
Human Rust (Mud)
Fills Your Head (Mud)
When your Dead (Mud)
Back Broken, Skull split open
Brains exposed to the sunshine
Paralyzed open your eyes
Can´t believe your heart is still beating
Went to War, forgot what for
Now your bodies burned and broken
You had to go, the big hero
Never thought you would die so poorly
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