Letra de Electricidad (en ingles) de Zoé
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( Zoé )
We think that quite serious better,
if we were allowing that the moon and the
wind should stop speaking,
to listen to the silence of the night,
in your eyes.
Sometimes the things are given upside-down,
and we stick conquered to the tree of the sad night,
but my love already does not matter,
everything happens(passes) and is learned.
Say me providing that I told the truth,
without me lying at all.
I need to be with you once again,
that in the eternity already is not had finally.
We think that quite serious better, if
if we were allowing that the moon and the
wind should stop speaking,
to listen to the silence of the night,
in your eyes.
Sometimes the things are given upside-down,
and we stick conquered to the tree of the sad night,
but my love already does not matter,
everything happens(passes) and is learned.
Say me providing that I told the truth,
without me lying at all.
I need to be with you once again,
that in the eternity already is not had finally.
We think that quite serious better, if
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