Letra de Deja te conecto (en ingles) de Zoé
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( Zoé )
Do not ask me to cry for you,
ever you vi subject,
your eyes fall and float in the darkness,
light me up am well lost.
And was once,
If only once,
that I told you I told you the truth,
If only once,
swollen in alcohol,
lost in the night,
Dreaming again,
with back.
And I would just like to me des slightly of sincerity,
I just I des slightly of sincerity,
dejame Verte fall,
letting enter in your dreams,
No, no, not is true that,
robaste the end cry,
which is on the banks of the wind,
leaves I connect.
ever you vi subject,
your eyes fall and float in the darkness,
light me up am well lost.
And was once,
If only once,
that I told you I told you the truth,
If only once,
swollen in alcohol,
lost in the night,
Dreaming again,
with back.
And I would just like to me des slightly of sincerity,
I just I des slightly of sincerity,
dejame Verte fall,
letting enter in your dreams,
No, no, not is true that,
robaste the end cry,
which is on the banks of the wind,
leaves I connect.
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