Letra de Beneno (en ingles) de Zoé
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Letra de BENENO (EN INGLES) de ZOé.
( Zoé )
About you
about me
or star-merge
if this is you
if the sun
or is the moon
If fear
if rancor
indifference or false
a spot of rain
in your memory
Sunrise again
and hours
are warm
shadows bleed
A giant spider
spinning in the air
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes so sad
and sometimes as free
poison confusion
I poison
About you
about me
or star-merge
if this is you
if the sun
or is the moon
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes so sad
and sometimes as free
poison confusion
I poison
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes as free
and sometimes so sad
poison confusion
I poison
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
about me
or star-merge
if this is you
if the sun
or is the moon
If fear
if rancor
indifference or false
a spot of rain
in your memory
Sunrise again
and hours
are warm
shadows bleed
A giant spider
spinning in the air
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes so sad
and sometimes as free
poison confusion
I poison
About you
about me
or star-merge
if this is you
if the sun
or is the moon
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes so sad
and sometimes as free
poison confusion
I poison
Let´s talk about lights
talk about anything
talk about real things
the mortal
Sometimes as free
and sometimes so sad
poison confusion
I poison
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
This day and in this place
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