Letra de Another day de U2
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Letra de ANOTHER DAY de U2.
( U2 )
Wake up, the dawn of another dull day.
Take up your dreams and on your way.
Oh, oh, oh.
Daylight, mother stands in the hall.
Last night, head against the wall.
Oh, oh, oh.
When night turns to day
And the children come out to play
Another day.
Stop, shout.
They come my way.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Boy, salute in a street uniform
Toy, soldier ripped and torn
Oh, oh, oh.
When night turns to day
And the children come out to play
Another day.
Stop, shout.
They come my way.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Take up your dreams and on your way.
Oh, oh, oh.
Daylight, mother stands in the hall.
Last night, head against the wall.
Oh, oh, oh.
When night turns to day
And the children come out to play
Another day.
Stop, shout.
They come my way.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Boy, salute in a street uniform
Toy, soldier ripped and torn
Oh, oh, oh.
When night turns to day
And the children come out to play
Another day.
Stop, shout.
They come my way.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
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