Letra de Ghoul de Tsjuder
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Letra de GHOUL de TSJUDER.
( Tsjuder )
Time is Torment and my Flesh is Cold
I walk the Path of Undead Damnation
I hunger for the true Kiss of the Scythe
Dead Flesh Waking
Lifelessly Deprived and Forgotten
A Holocaust Soul
The Black Moon Witnessed a Soul Entombment
Lifeless, Faded and Forever Damned
My Flesh still secked the Tombworld
But the Path of Damnation seemed Endless
Lifelessly Deprived and Forgotten
A Holocaust Soul
In the Darkest Chamber of my Soul
The Posioned Fire... My only Light
A Dark Embrace and Madness Prevail
The Finally Filthy Katharsis
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