Letra de Fade in out de Oasis
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Letra de FADE IN OUT de OASIS.
( Oasis )
Get on the rollercoaster
The fair's in town today
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
So get on the helter skelter
Bowl into the fray
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
You fade in out
You fade in out
Without a doubt
I don't see no shine
Today is just a daydream
Tomorrow we'll be castaway
Coming in out of nowhere
Singin' rhapsody
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
Sitting inside a high chair
With the devils refugee
Is gonna be-blinded by the light
That follows me
She fade in-out
She fade in-out
Without a doubt
I don't see no shine
Today is just a daydream
Tomorrow we'll be castaway
The fair's in town today
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
So get on the helter skelter
Bowl into the fray
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
You fade in out
You fade in out
Without a doubt
I don't see no shine
Today is just a daydream
Tomorrow we'll be castaway
Coming in out of nowhere
Singin' rhapsody
Y'gotta be bad enough to beat the brave
Sitting inside a high chair
With the devils refugee
Is gonna be-blinded by the light
That follows me
She fade in-out
She fade in-out
Without a doubt
I don't see no shine
Today is just a daydream
Tomorrow we'll be castaway
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