Letra de Love de Disney
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Letra de LOVE de DISNEY.
( Disney )
Love, it seems like only yesterday
You were just a child at play
Now you´re all grown up inside of me
Oh, how fast those moments flee
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief but when it´s gone
Love goes on and on
Love will live, love will last
Love goes on and on and on
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief but when it´s gone
Love goes on and on
You were just a child at play
Now you´re all grown up inside of me
Oh, how fast those moments flee
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief but when it´s gone
Love goes on and on
Love will live, love will last
Love goes on and on and on
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief but when it´s gone
Love goes on and on
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