Letra de My guiding star de Dean Martin
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( Dean Martin )
Where are you my guiding star.
did you just vanish from sight
a comet passing in flight.
how could you go
when you must know
how precious and how dear to me you are.
i need you my guiding star.
without you shining for me
i have no reason to be.
so through the night love
i'll search for your light love.
where are you
where are you
my guiding star.
did you just vanish from sight
a comet passing in flight.
how could you go
when you must know
how precious and how dear to me you are.
i need you my guiding star.
without you shining for me
i have no reason to be.
so through the night love
i'll search for your light love.
where are you
where are you
my guiding star.
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