Letra de Amanda de Boston
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Letra de AMANDA de BOSTON.
( Boston )
Amandaboston(scholz) babe, tomorrow's so far awaythere's something i just have to say i don't think i can hide what i'm feelin' insideanother day, knowin' i love youand i, i'm getting too close againi don't want to see it endif i tell you tonight will you turn out the light and walk away knowin' i love you? i'm gonna take you by surprise and make you realize,amandai'm gonna tell you right away, i can't wait another day,amandai'm gonna say it like a man and make you understandamandai love youand i feel like today's the dayi'm lookin' for the words to saydo you wanna be free, are you ready for meto feel this wayi don't wanna lose youso, it may be too soon, i knowthe feeling takes so long to growif i tell you today will you turn me away and let me go? i don't wanna lose you i'm gonna take you by surprise and make you realize,amandai'm gonna te ll you right away, i can't wait another day,amandai'm gonna say it lik e a man and make you understandamandayou and ii know that we can't waitand i swear, i swear it's not a lie girltomorrow may be too lateyou, you and i girlwe can share a life togetherit's now or neverand tomorow may be too lateand, feelin' the way i doi don't wanna wait my whole life throughto say i'm in love with you ----------------------------------------------------------
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