Letra de Irresponsable (en inglés) de Babasonicos
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( Babasonicos )
We are guilty of this scandalous love
that the same fire of passion fed that in
at night urgent backwater to us averguenza to continue feeling it?
Little by little,
we were volviendonos crazy people
and is the steam of our love that embriagó with its licor
and it blames to the interminable carnival,
it made us confuse, irresponsible?
If we were meat of scatterbrained lie,
that the imprudence of the rumor today I untie,
that discovered by the light in the morning punished laziness to us and the pain?
Repeats refrain
refrain repeats
that the same fire of passion fed that in
at night urgent backwater to us averguenza to continue feeling it?
Little by little,
we were volviendonos crazy people
and is the steam of our love that embriagó with its licor
and it blames to the interminable carnival,
it made us confuse, irresponsible?
If we were meat of scatterbrained lie,
that the imprudence of the rumor today I untie,
that discovered by the light in the morning punished laziness to us and the pain?
Repeats refrain
refrain repeats
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