Letra de Te extraño (en ingles) de Atracción X 4
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( Atracción X 4 )
I am strange to you
Whichever I surprise oh to you oh uo
and I am scared to undergo a disappointment
you do not see that I am crying by your lost love
and that I am dying to be with you
Your you gave the wings me to fly
and now I am falling because these
I am not strange to you
Whichever I am strange to you
How I explain to him to my heart that amarte is not treason?
You am strange to you
Whichever I surprise oh to you oh uo
you do not see that I am crying by your lost love
Whichever I surprise oh to you oh uo
and I am scared to undergo a disappointment
you do not see that I am crying by your lost love
and that I am dying to be with you
Your you gave the wings me to fly
and now I am falling because these
I am not strange to you
Whichever I am strange to you
How I explain to him to my heart that amarte is not treason?
You am strange to you
Whichever I surprise oh to you oh uo
you do not see that I am crying by your lost love
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