Letra de Blood on your hands de Arch Enemy
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( Arch Enemy )
Blood On Your Hands
You were born your brother´s keeper
Why can I see blood on your hands?
You became your brother´s slayer
Embrace again in death
At the end of all this hatred lies even deeper hate
Their darkness has defeated you - Your lifetime running backwards
Remember - Sins of our fathers
A requiem - for the countless dead
Blood is on your hands - the wages of sin
Future´s eyes closing now
Soul eclipse taking place
Laments rise - tears of the dead
From the other side of the grave
You were born your brother´s keeper
Why can I see blood on your hands?
Their darkness has defeated you
Your lifetime running backwards
Future´s eyes closing now
Soul eclipse taking place
Laments rise - tears of the dead
From the other side of the grave
From the other side of the grave
Blood is on your hands - the wages of sin
You were born your brother´s keeper
Why can I see blood on your hands?
You became your brother´s slayer
Embrace again in death
At the end of all this hatred lies even deeper hate
Their darkness has defeated you - Your lifetime running backwards
Remember - Sins of our fathers
A requiem - for the countless dead
Blood is on your hands - the wages of sin
Future´s eyes closing now
Soul eclipse taking place
Laments rise - tears of the dead
From the other side of the grave
You were born your brother´s keeper
Why can I see blood on your hands?
Their darkness has defeated you
Your lifetime running backwards
Future´s eyes closing now
Soul eclipse taking place
Laments rise - tears of the dead
From the other side of the grave
From the other side of the grave
Blood is on your hands - the wages of sin
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