Letra de Cruces (en ingles) de Arbol
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( Arbol )
Cruces crossings continue
Correrte for in the middle of the jungle
Your guerrillas made a nest; rose, rose early
Raises blood; roots
Multiracial roots
Hypocritical, shouting hiccups
"Your face is a face, silent!"
Streets that explode, sweep
Seething mass goes to your house opens
Thirst, hunger, say silent! Silent! Exploding
Desfosilizacion of politicization
Desfosilizacion of politicization
Justice! Justice! Justice! Justice
Screams! Victor gum rockrose; razors
Silent and that battle, duerne
King asleep while the kids are burned
Sleeps silent! Exploding calla
Justice! Justice! Justice.
Correrte for in the middle of the jungle
Your guerrillas made a nest; rose, rose early
Raises blood; roots
Multiracial roots
Hypocritical, shouting hiccups
"Your face is a face, silent!"
Streets that explode, sweep
Seething mass goes to your house opens
Thirst, hunger, say silent! Silent! Exploding
Desfosilizacion of politicization
Desfosilizacion of politicization
Justice! Justice! Justice! Justice
Screams! Victor gum rockrose; razors
Silent and that battle, duerne
King asleep while the kids are burned
Sleeps silent! Exploding calla
Justice! Justice! Justice.
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