Letra de Cerulean twilight de Anathema
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( Anathema )
I'm lying here, oh so peaceful.....
..... in serene harmony
i¹m dreaming yet i feel awake
i¹m dreaming yet i am awake
subjected to pain. dark screams repent
and in a foreboding rage, a soul will die.....
..... a soul will die
my mind is burning, i¹m burning
i can¹t feel you anymore
have i reached my point ?
will i drown in delusion ?
the winds fell silent
and in my cerulean twilight
i left myself once again
..... it¹s overwhelming
suffer yourself, and let me die here awhile
..... in serene harmony
i¹m dreaming yet i feel awake
i¹m dreaming yet i am awake
subjected to pain. dark screams repent
and in a foreboding rage, a soul will die.....
..... a soul will die
my mind is burning, i¹m burning
i can¹t feel you anymore
have i reached my point ?
will i drown in delusion ?
the winds fell silent
and in my cerulean twilight
i left myself once again
..... it¹s overwhelming
suffer yourself, and let me die here awhile
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