Letra de O.r.t. de Akira Yamaoka
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Letra de O.R.T. de AKIRA YAMAOKA.
( Akira Yamaoka )
Is it lonely where you are?
In there? Dad?
Does the darkness know your name?
Does Mom?
What?s it like?
Can you feel?
She said her blood turns to ash
Dad, do you know what you?ve done this time to me?
Burning eyes can?t forgive you
Howling moon drives on
And deep in me
Your illusion
What you see in me
Did you have that dream again?
You?re receiving what you said
Said she
Never mind
Emptiness, dead eyes and lost what you found
Maybe there on the edge is your hope
But you don?t look down
Burning eyes can?t forgive you
Howling moon drives on
And deep in me
Your illusion
What you see in me
In there? Dad?
Does the darkness know your name?
Does Mom?
What?s it like?
Can you feel?
She said her blood turns to ash
Dad, do you know what you?ve done this time to me?
Burning eyes can?t forgive you
Howling moon drives on
And deep in me
Your illusion
What you see in me
Did you have that dream again?
You?re receiving what you said
Said she
Never mind
Emptiness, dead eyes and lost what you found
Maybe there on the edge is your hope
But you don?t look down
Burning eyes can?t forgive you
Howling moon drives on
And deep in me
Your illusion
What you see in me
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